The Returns ASN Best Practice to Optimize Reverse Logistics in Your Warehouse.

  This best practice is about Returns ASN (Advance Shipment Notice).  We discussed about the ASN before and we articulated on how useful was the ASN in deployment scheduling and your were able to plan your work in the receiving area. You were also able to get upfront information as to what is going to hit your DC and you could even allocate inventory in terms of the location of the product and allocate inventory…

IoT-Based Labor Management Systems Offer Big Benefits

You cannot manage what you cannot measure—so if you want to manage something you need to be able to measure it.  The average distributor, then, can improve productivity by 7% just by implementing a system that measures labor and publishes a daily report on operator’s performance. It’s all about the psychology of it. When people know they are being measured, their attitude completely changes. They become more proactive. When they don’t have work, they ask…